git porcelain for vim & emacs

Hi all,

Anyone using the new git repo may want to try text editor integration.

For Vim, there's Tim Pope's fugitive, which does lots of nice things; e.g. this git-blame view:

[color co-ordinated commit IDs appear in the leftmost column.]

... which, with a set of single-key commands, you can e.g. repeatedly step back in the history of the file and view it as it was at the time of the commit that last modified the cursor's current line ("reblame") or at the time of the parent of that commit.

You can also use it to jump to the message of the commit for the cursor's current line. This means you can instantly find the most recent episode in which any line was modified, and you can do this starting from any past version of a file.

It's nothing you couldn't do from the command line, but it can save time and keystrokes (especially in the case of repeated reblaming).

Fugitive also defines :Ggrep, which calls git-grep and then uses the output to populate vim's grep list so that you can jump to matching locations.

See the help file for other nice things.

You can grab it from:

Or if you're already using NeoBundle, just add:

NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive'

(or your bundle manager's equivalent)

... to the bundles region of your ~/.vimrc (or ~/_vimrc).

For Emacs users: sorry; I don't know Emacs...but I've heard nice things about Magit!

Have fun!
