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Emacs Compilation Setup
Hello everyone,

I have finally started with the series and started watching the videos. Thank you casey for the wealth of knowledge.

My question here is to deal with Emacs compilation. I am not directly using Casey's .emacs file but I have taken the parts that I want and added to my .emacs config.

Everything works except that when I compile with M-m - I get the "cl" is not recognised. Ofcourse the emacs shell is not able to find and initialize with our shell.bat which sets up VS and environment path.

I seem to have missed the emacs compilation setup but I think at one point in Day 1 Casey says he will go through it in the next stream and in Day 2 he directly goes about compiling with M-m. Maybe its covered later on in the series. (I am only on Day 3 now)

In order to make the emacs shell execute build.bat properly - I am calling shell.bat from build.bat - So my question is - Is that a problem? Calling shell.bat everything we call build.bat? For now, it has no problem compiling - I hope it doesnt create a problem later on.

Another quick question - The compilation window in Emacs - When you select any error - does it go directly to the said file and line number? When I try that - I prompts for the filename in the minibuffer - Would be nice if it could jump to the line directly :)

Thanks again.

Casey Muratori
801 posts / 1 project
Casey Muratori is a programmer at Molly Rocket on the game 1935 and is the host of the educational programming series Handmade Hero.
Emacs Compilation Setup
The trick I use to avoid dealing with anything fancy here is to just launch Emacs from the shell that _has_ run shell.bat, so you know it has the same environment set up. There is probably a way to force Emacs to itself run shell.bat at startup or something fun like that, but I try not to ask Emacs to do anything more than it has to do, it's very fragile :/

- Casey