We are currently in the process of converting the website to the new design. Some pages, like this one, are still broken. We appreciate your patience.
Handmade Hero»Forums»Code
235 posts
Why the change in ui on handmade hero site?
Edited by Jason on Reason: Initial post
I went on the handmade hero site the other day and noticed the ui had changed a bit. Now you select the square of the content you want and drill down until your reach the videos for the specific category. However, the videos aren't in any order it seems and because of the square boxes your don't see as many video titles as before. I was wondering if this was still a work in progress or something? I would much prefer the previous setup where the video where just ordered in a list from the 1st video to the last. Easy to navigate.
Simon Anciaux
1363 posts
Why the change in ui on handmade hero site?
Edited by Simon Anciaux on Reason: typo
You can use the episode guide a the top of this forum to get a list of all episode + search.

The episodes on handmadehero.org are in order. The episodes are grouped in range, for example from 1 to 51, than from 52 to 101... But the way they are drawn makes it confusing as each rectangle (light and dark) seems to be an individual buttons you can click while they aren't (buttons are squares).

To repeat what was said on the other post, handmadehero.org is maintained by Casey, while the forums and sub-forums (including hero.handmade.network) aren't. If you want to give some feedback to Casey, you better try to contact him directly in the stream chat, or on the molly rocket discord, as I don't think he comes here anymore.
235 posts
Why the change in ui on handmade hero site?
Ah, I forgot about the episode guide here. Thanks.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2583 posts / 2 projects
Why the change in ui on handmade hero site?
Ah this about guide UI change? You can click top left corner "Settings" and change grid to "View: List" to get old look back.
235 posts
Why the change in ui on handmade hero site?
Ha, never even noticed that. Thanks