Looking for KISS FFT usage example!

Hi, this may be a long shot, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Has anyone here used KISS FFT (https://github.com/mborgerding/kissfft) ?

I'd love to see a full application (not just an example snippet if possible, but I'll take any help that I can :)) making use of this lib. I'm trying to build my first visualizer using the Handmade Hero codebase and KISS FFT but I just can't get my head around some of the details, so anything I can use as a working reference would be of great help!

Edited by Anders on
Take a look through the tests and run through them with a debugger to see what actually happens.

Beyond that you'll need to ask something more specific
Yeah, I guess it'll do. If I need to know anything more specific I'll surely ask. Thanks! :)