Source code for other games

This is perhaps slightly off-topic, so apologies if it's over that particular line, but this round up of releases of game source code has been making the rounds lately:

I knew about quite a few of these, in particular the id Software ones since they're famous for releasing their code, and I've read a bunch of the code reviews linked along with those (which are fantastic). Others, like Star Control 2 and some of the others I hadn't seen.

Since many of the games are old enough that they were programmed in a very low-level way like we're doing with Handmade, I figured some of them might be interesting/educational. :)
The Shadowgrounds games are fun. The source code was release a few years back:


Be warned, the code is a bit of a mess...
I totally forgot that the source to Doom 3 got released. Interesting stuff. Looked at the audio source for Doom 3, [strike]XAudio 2[/strike][strike] (and that game was released in 2004). Why are we using that messy DirectSound stuff again? :whistle:[/strike]

Edited by Thomas Frase on
"The first version of XAudio2, XAudio2 2.0, shipped in the March 2008 release of the DirectX SDK."


Doom 3 source:

Looks like DirectSound to me.

You're looking at the version of Doom 3 that shipped much later, the "BFG Edition".

Edited by David Owens II on
Whoops, my bad. The Doom 3 source is still quite interesting to look through.
Doom 3 BFG (released in 2012) uses XAudio2: