Casey's C webpage generator

In one of the more recent Jeff and Casey Show episodes, Casey was talking about how he'd set himself up for writing webpages in C such that they could then be compiled into HTML/CSS(/JS).

This sounds like a very useful tool. As far as I'm aware, he hasn't made any code for this public.

Casey, would you consider making this available? I'm sure many people would be interested, whether it came out as a Handmade Hero bonus or as a separate paid product.

Edited by Andrew Reece on Reason: Initial post
I would expect it is very specific to Casey's website, so it would be not so useful for anything else without heavy customization, and at that point you could simply write your own anyways.

I myself use python script to generate static website for me. I have bunch of markdown files which get converted to html and linked together outputting html files. I used to use hugo which is great, but then decided to write my own. My script is actually pretty short - something around 300 lines.
If it's just putting out pages normally, markdown generally works well enough for me. I got the impression that he'd delved into the CSS engine so that he could do layout without having to touch CSS again. That's where I see the most potential benefit.