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Handmade Hero»Forums»Code
Nick Forrer
2 posts
Handmade Penguin (SDL Port) Discussion
I've been following along with this port as I am trying to catch up with Handmade Hero. I'm currently on Chapter 15, and noticed that Handmade Penguin stops at 18. It looks like there is still Win32 development past day 18. Did the Handmade Penguin port stop? Are there any other SDL ports that are more up-to-date, or is chapter 18 the last part that needs SDL development?
Neo Ar
165 posts / 1 project
riscy.tv host
Handmade Penguin (SDL Port) Discussion
I'm pretty sure this port was abandoned, but nxsy has an excellent XCB port that you could follow along with.
Neil Blakey-Milner
45 posts
Handmade Penguin (SDL Port) Discussion
With the move to 5pm livestreams, I've fallen quite a bit behind on the stream (part of the fun/impetus was chatting during the stream), but my XCB platform layer should get you to at least last week (episode 111). I imagine the optimisation work of the last week or so might bring along some platform layer changes.

Let me know if there are any problems (on these forums, or a github issue) and I'll fix it up (or even better, send me a patch).
Nick Forrer
2 posts
Handmade Penguin (SDL Port) Discussion
Thanks for the replies. I'll take a look at the XCB code. If I find any issues, I'll let you know!
Kim Jørgensen
64 posts
Handmade Penguin (SDL Port) Discussion
Edited by Kim Jørgensen on
I have modified the SDL port to be able to run the latest version of Handmade Hero on Linux, and added support for looped live code editing.

As I have no prior experience with SDL (or coding games in general) and used this as a learning experience, it is not the same high quality as David Gow's port. But since he apparently stopped working on his port this might help somebody.

The code can be found at https://github.com/KimJorgensen/sdl_handmade
