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clion multiplatform c++ ide (debugger for linux)

i heard you mentioned there was no debugger for linux. jetbrains (which makes intellij, resharper, appcode++) recently released clion (still in beta), an multiplatform c/c++ ide for win,mac,linux. have you tried it out? it has all the excellent features that their other ide's have, like refactorings and code completion, debugger and uses cmake for projects.

Edited by Erlend on
Well, for starters, does it debug externally built executables? Since I edit and build in Emacs, it would have to be something that can debug executables that it did not build inside the IDE for me to even try it. I haven't looked at it so I'm not sure what its features are...

- Casey
I asked the question and it seems it does not support that feature now, but it might later.

Found some notes on debugging using gdb on emacs though.

Edited by Erlend on
That feature appears to have been added

I've been demoing it and like it so far, but I'm no expert. Anyone here use it? What do you think? Is it suitable for following Hand Made Hero?

Just found out it doesn't show assembly code yet, so its back to VS for me.

Edited by Mór on
I made a CMake project to work with CLion and Episode 21's Loading Game Code Dynamically. Just unzip it over Casey's project and it should work.

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I kinda like CLion, but for debugging it's really bad. There is also no memory view and you can't see the assembly code.
Once they have that I will start using CLion.
I kinda like CLion, but for debugging it's really bad. There is also no memory view and you can't see the assembly code.
Once they have that I will start using CLion.

Yeah, I asked them when I was demoing it and they responded with these links. I don't think you have to own it to put in feature requests, so the more that ask the better.

Forgot to mention above, I tried a few MinGW setups, had problems until I found this:

Edited by Mór on
I have used all kinds of mingw ports - msys, mingw-w64, tdm, nuwen, msys2.
And I highly recommend msys2 if you want mingw. It comes with pacman package manager (from ArchLinux), so you can keep gcc/clang installation up to date and also install additional FOSS utilities if you want (including gdb and more).
I have used all kinds of mingw ports - msys, mingw-w64, tdm, nuwen, msys2.
And I highly recommend msys2 if you want mingw. It comes with pacman package manager (from ArchLinux), so you can keep gcc/clang installation up to date and also install additional FOSS utilities if you want (including gdb and more).

I tried msys2 a while ago, but I use symlinks to keep my dotfiles (.vimrc, .gitconfig, etc..) up to date and msys2 doesn't have good support for them. I'm just curious, have you found a way to work with these files reliably under msys2? Or do you just overwrite them after updating?

To clarify, I keep all my config files in a repository, cloned locally in a 'dotfiles' folder. I have a setup script that sets up the symlinks for the first time (~/.dotfiles/vim/vimrc -> ~/.vimrc, ~/.dotfiles/git/gitconfig -> ~/.gitconfig, etc...) and then I can keep changing the files in the repository and everything is kept up to date without running the setup script again.
I just copy my 4 or 5 config files over. I don't reinstall stuff very often, so it's not a big deal.
I've been trying it out for a big project I work on(500k LOC) to help manage some of the complexity when I need to make sweeping changes to the system. For that, its been pretty good, and it has vim emulation, so I'm getting a generally better experience than my default which is plain vim.
Hey just a quick update on this. CLion does not report bugs properly in unity builds, which makes it about as useful as an ordinary text editor when following Handmade Hero.

Here's the issue in their tracker if you want to up vote it. Very little interest in this feature unfortunately.

Edited by Mór on