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Handmade Hero»Forums»Code
Sergio González
35 posts / 1 project
I'm working on Milton, a paint program with infinite canvas. My mom thinks I'm awesome.
LLVM Talks
I apologize if this has been asked before, but I didn't find a search feature in the forums.

Casey has mentioned a guy who has given lectures about C/C++ optimizations made by Clang. I think it was in response to a question about passing parameters by value versus by reference.

I'm having trouble finding these talks by searching on Youtube. Does someone have a link they can share?

Thanks in advance!

- Sergio
Filipe Rasoilo
7 posts
LLVM Talks
I am not sure exactly which talk that is.
Take a look at this thread where people have posted some interesting talks/lectures.


It might be one of those, hope this can help you a bit!
Casey Muratori
801 posts / 1 project
Casey Muratori is a programmer at Molly Rocket on the game 1935 and is the host of the educational programming series Handmade Hero.
Sergio González
35 posts / 1 project
I'm working on Milton, a paint program with infinite canvas. My mom thinks I'm awesome.
LLVM Talks
The talk I was looking for was on the third post =)

The speaker is Chandler Carruth: link to video

Thanks a lot!

Edit: Thanks, Casey
Filipe Rasoilo
7 posts
LLVM Talks
You're welcome.
I have also added the two talks Casey has posted above to that thread.
Just so there is an easy place for people to find all these talks/lectures.