I've not tried to benchmark this. I'd be very surprised to learn that AWE offers some performance benefit. One thing I am sure of, is that: you're correct about the NT kernel's aggressive paging. Like Darwin and Linux, NT is a server kernel first. Servers are constantly preparing themselves for the next big work load. That means: NT will keep as many physical pages free as possible to be used at a moment's notice.
Thank you for confirming this.
If you're seeing a startup improvement I'm not totally surprised. I've seen game engine source code that periodically "touches" memory pages in order to try and keep pages hot.
I think there is an API to help with this. SetProcessWorkingsetSize.
Not tested it properly, and I could not perceive any benefits with my code. But my code is a desktop application, not a game. I guess, it still incurs the first paging faults, and it will page when the app is not active. But for a game this may still be useful. idk.
Mapping non-pageable memory in a driver or using AWE may avoid some issues. However, I agree with mmozeiko, if you prevent the kernel from operating normally you'll likely cause surprising consequences.
Yes. And the machine must also have considerable free ram. However those constraints are just like any other constraints, you work around them when you can or need to. IF it makes my program more responsive, then I would implement both, and test the machine, for when I could use the faster memories. And anyway, for a game in fullscreen, no other applications has less of a need to play ball with the rest of the OS? It could be an option.
Have you published the results of your tests?
No. And its unlikely that I ever will, except for forum-exchanges like this.
I think if you tested it, you may come to cry :)
(Of what we lost by paging, in at least a certain set of circumstances).
What happend to me is that I was waiting for my server to boot up, as it prepares its records. And it took a long time. I perceive any waiting as long time. After changing to AWE it became instant. I mean, it was the feeling like Neo had just arrived. It took me by complete surprice. What before took like a maybe a minute. (I am unsure, because after I tested AWE for it, I never wanted to go back). However, I don't use it yet for any other tasks, as I have no other task that is big enough to make a difference.
A note of warning.
1. One cannot use these memories for Graphics, at least not directly.
2. You exhaust the memorymapped space this way. So while the memory is not paged, it is MAPPED. Such that 2 GIGA of unpaged ram, still eats into the range of available memory for other tasks.
While the API says that remapping of memory blocks is fast, this is NOT so, for any sane definition of fast. If you switch blocks on a regular basis, like randomly, between two allocations, it will be dogslow. Only if the memory is organized so that you switch blocks rarely, will it be fast.
I tried both, and it was seeing this that turned me off from using AWE unless it's for very spesific operations. But it's still handy for those.
I don't use 64 bit yet. So the situation may be different there. For 32bit, you also need to be large pointer aware to make use of 4G of pure memory. But in a situation where all of these constrains may fit, it still worth considering.