Handmade Hero»Forums»Code
Jesse Coyle
37 posts
Memory Arenas
Howdy, I'm trying to find the episode where Casey first starts implementing a Memory Arena. It doesn't seem to start at the memory playlist that he has on the youtube archive. I just can't seem to find it, I wish there were keywords I could search on the episode guide. I'll keep looking, but if I remember correctly it wasn't the main topic of that particular day. I feel like it's around episode 50.
Barret Gaylor
31 posts
I am a game designer who recently became interested in coding in a handmade way. I am not that experienced, but I want to learn.
Memory Arenas
Found it!

Day 034

Go to time stamp: 43:30

That should be the place.
Matt Mascarenhas
135 posts / 1 project
Annotator, supper gatherer and slammer of thunderous high fives
Memory Arenas
Edited by Matt Mascarenhas on Reason: Spelling
Wow, great find, Barret!

Just to reassure you folks, the annotation system overhaul – which we'll be developing once the current bugs and feature requests are cleared – will include full searching and category tagging functionality. So, for example, the timestamp you mentioned will be marked up with the :memory category, while the timestamp immediately before it will likely be in the :"procedural generation" category. Current categories from the streams I've annotated in the new markup can be found in this file.
Mārtiņš Možeiko
2562 posts / 2 projects
Memory Arenas
Current categories from the streams I've annotated in the new markup can be found in this file.
This file is not accessible by a lot of people. You need to have account in gitlab to see it. I actually discovered HMN has gitlab only recently when gingerBill posted his Odin project. And ChronalDragon created account for me.
Jesse Coyle
37 posts
Memory Arenas
Ah, thank you. "Persistent Game Memory" wasn't really the words I was looking for I guess haha.

And thanks Miblo, that would help immensely.
Matt Mascarenhas
135 posts / 1 project
Annotator, supper gatherer and slammer of thunderous high fives
Memory Arenas
This file is not accessible by a lot of people

Ach! Cheers for pointing this out, Martins. On reflection, I think we'll keep this repo internal to the Annotation Pushers team and I'll just have to remember not to link to it. Once the new system is up and running, all the stuff in there will be parsed and exposed in a more digestible and usable format. The Annotation-System repo can remain public, though, so folks can whet their appetites with the issues.