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Problem stepping into the code (Vs Problem)

So I'm trying to place a breakpoint into my code, but it is ignored when I start debugging (f5)
I'm using VS community 2015

screenshot attached:


Edited by rizoma on
This usually happens if you edit the file without rebuilding. The source no longer matches up with the debug info, so VS punts and ignores your breakpoint.
I checked I can do other breakpoints.... so I'm a bit confused....

This is the breakpoint in the video:
Handmade Hero Day 003 - Allocating a Backbuffer
Should be automatically opened at 59m17s

My program seems ok, it's not leaking memory and everything seems working fine, just I get White window instead of Casey Black one....

Don't know if that is normal....

Edited by rizoma on
stepping into the middle of a function argument list isn't really supported.

Though normally the debugger tends to stop at the beginning of the function declaration.
You may be debugging an optimized build. Check to see if you are building optimized, if so turn optimizations off.
Thanks guys, Maybe ratchetfreak is right since breakpoints work in any other places, but Casey can set it on the video, so.. maybe is because he is using a older version of VS? (I'm on VS2015)
Anyway here is the code maybe you can have a look...
Not really a issue since I can follow all the later steps, but just for the sake of curiosity, I would like to undestand Why :)


Edited by rizoma on
VS2015 is fine.
build.bat compiles without optimizations, so that is fine. Most likely you forgot to recompile after changing source code as btaylor2401 already explained.
I tried so many times, debugger just skip it, like ratchetfreak said... seems that a breakpoint there is ignored... At least now seems make sense why,
What I don't undestand is why in the tutorial it works...

In the end is not that important...
Thanks for the help :)